Catnip helps digestive issues like constipation, bloating, cramping, gas etc. Catnip is a carminative, helping to remove air stuck in the intestines by pushing it downwards until it’s expelled from the body. The relaxing, anti-inflammatory effects of Catnip's organic compounds can ease the knots and inflammation of the gastrointestinal system and relieve tightness and discomfort. Great for IBS
Catnip is so safe it is a long-standing remedy for irritability and restless sleep in toddlers and babies. The sedative nature of this wonderfully calming herb helps to induce a fitful and restful sleep, making Catnip the go to remedy for insomnia or other sleep related problems.
It is great for treating anxiety and other nervous disorders, and works particularly well against tension headaches.
Catnip is classed as a “diaphoretic” herb, meaning it can induce perspiration without raising body temperature to help break a fever. Drinking it hot as a tea will help enhance its effects. A hot Catnip infusion works as an excellent antiseptic inhalant and as a remedy for tender throats, coughs, colds and flu, in addition to working as a decongestant to alleviate sinusitis and catarrh as well as relaxing croup and asthma.
Catnip possesses antiseptic attributes which are effective in treating skin infections. This herb contains high levels of tannins which help to accelerate the process of repairing damaged tissues and stop hemorrhages from grazes and cuts. The tannins are also useful in curing burn injuries and scalds, insect bites, piles and skin problems accompanied by inflammation.